Vittoria Sessa

Welcome! My name is Vittoria,
I'm a digital communication student based in Turin, Italy. This is my personal website, you can find my work experience, projects, some details about what I'm studying and my CV resume. You can contact me via e-mail or by linking with me on social media!

Keep in touch!

What am I studying?

Currently, I'm attending two Universities simultaneously:
Digital Communication Design at IAAD
Social Innovation, communication and new technologies at UniTo
These two paths complement each-other; the first one is more practical and teaches you a real trade, while the second one gives an in-depth look to the digital society. I'm currently focusing on developing a basic knowledge about computer science and coding.
The future is the hands of those who can change the present.

Discover more about my work experience!

I was one of the founders of a proptech startup and I've helped start a bakery that sells pastries online. And I'm neither a real estate expert nor a cook.